A review of a Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP 42) circulated by SAMSHA. (4 CEUs)

Available Tests (Not approved by NBCC)
A review of a Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP 42) circulated by SAMSHA. (4 CEUs)
A study of the high standards of professional competence and integrity shared by all addiction professionals. (6 CEUs)
A study to facilitate a greater understanding of how HIV/AIDS affects our society. (4 CEUs)
**If you are logging in for the first time on the new site, you’ll need to register first, by clicking the link below. Afterwards, you’ll be able to purchase & take the tests.
VERY IMPORTANT: All tests will expire 120 days from the date of purchase. You will need to complete each test & print your certificate prior to expiration. You’ll be able to purchase tests again to re-certify after the previous test has expired.
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